Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Prompt: Ailey

In my most humble opinion, I believe that any rules concerning art making and art viewing are subjective and personal.  Our beliefs and our aesthetics are the products of nature and nurture in our histories of self. 

      We are all brought up in varying value systems that place behaviors, objects, people, histories, ideas, aesthetics etc. within hierarchies that shape our judgments, our ideologies.  Whether we accept or reject these value systems, they still have an effect and contribute to our own personal ones. I can have my own individual “truths” but they are not universal, nor can I assume they are right as much as I can assume that yours are wrong. 

      So in terms of how this affects how I think about and make art- I value art that is sincere in its allegiance to the maker’s value system.  The only time I am afraid of art and art making is when I sense that the maker has compromised their genuine self and their personal truths. I value earnestness, in art, and in others and myself.  Everything else is peanuts.

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